Sometimes you have to believe the good in people out weighs the bad intents you're receiving; for the annoying feeling you perceive may be your own inner working not being able to rightly adjust to the love being shown because of your lack of being able to give a 100% of it of yourself; maybe.
Talk about an epiphany, Glenn. You must be correct. How else could someone with such insight gaze into the soul of a perfect stranger and rectify his wicked, wicked ways?
I have been approaching these people - these customers who I thought were merely making my life difficult - unaware that they were actually displaying inspiring amounts of love and good will.
Like that pregnant woman who told me to go "fuck myself" when I forgot her side of sour cream. I see now through your prose that she wasn't condemning me; she was nurturing and encouraging me, challenging me to put my all into the passions of my day job.
Like that grumpy old man who kept calling everyone a "faggot," who sneezed on my hands as I set down his food and did not leave a tip. Surely through his actions any logical person would have seen miraculous evinces of unconditional love and empathy, the kind of human spirit stuff that truly tugs at your heart strings.
Or like that warlock of an Armenian man, who upon seeing that we serve our Ahi tuna salad at a cook-recommended medium rare, proceeded to dump it on the table in front of his companions for their amusement. Only someone blind, deaf and dumb would have misconstrued that for anything less than love.
So thank you, Glenn. Henceforth I shall approach these gentle souls with only the kindest of thoughts and the most flattering of descriptions. I will shortly rename this blog "GRATEFUL WAITER" and will regale everyone with stories of generosity and selflessness not seen since Jesus addressed humanity in the Gospel.
Go in love, everyone.
Oh Glen, if only you knew how much joy this blog brings to those of us who also have to serve the public. My friends and I often wish that it was compulsory (like army training in some countries is) for people to work in hospitality for at least some amount of time. Maybe then they'd be more considerate customers.
Posted by: Kelly | January 24, 2013 at 04:38 AM
Sounds like Glen truly believes the lies he tells himself (and his cats) as the sad guy who delivers mail in his office and always brings doughnuts hoping, one day his co-workers will invite him out for happy hour..."I know they seem mean and uncaring but I can tell they are only hiding behind that as a shield and they really love me and think I'm super cool".
Posted by: Tatiana | January 23, 2013 at 09:53 AM
@Ann Omynous: No, my problem with my job is not people who are in denial about a loved one's condition. I get that and I will be their ear to vent to, if they want to talk things out.
My problem are the people who deny their "loved one's" of any pain medication, make them lay in wet, urine soaked bedding all day, and close to starve them, because that patient "could get up and take care of themselves if they wanted to." Patients that scream out in pain because of their illnesses are heart breaking. Families that want me to get their lawn mowed for them when there are 5 adults in the house, none of them work, and there's a working lawn mower...I don't think so.
Posted by: Amy Lynn | January 20, 2013 at 02:43 PM
@amylynn: yes, people whose people are dying are going to want the moon, the sun, and the stars. You DO deserve to vent, but you may want to take more care in the way and/or the venues you choose to do so. I believe your employer offers assistance in dealing with these situations.
Posted by: Ann Omynous | January 17, 2013 at 11:51 PM
@ AmyLynn: Holy F*%@!!! Hospice = a dying person with family and friends trying to accept that death. Perhaps you are in the wrong career.
Posted by: Ann Omynous | January 17, 2013 at 11:47 PM
And to top it all off, I despise that I responded to this post at all.
Posted by: Ann Omynous | January 17, 2013 at 11:44 PM
I am desperate when I write: If you cannot compose a sentence; if your grammar is so limited that you cannot differentiate between their, there, and they're; if you have no concept of parallel structure; then any opinion you attempt to express is, in most educated minds, null and void.
Posted by: Ann Omynous | January 17, 2013 at 11:43 PM
hello run on sentence. what a turd. "glenn" can go eat out his mom.
Posted by: nick | January 16, 2013 at 10:26 PM
You know, I haven't worked at a restaurant since I was in college, and only then at a Wendy's. I never got stiffed on tips, but I know that everyone has bad days at work (except for maybe Glenn, obviously) and that people suck.
I work for a hospice and I'm completely the fuck over the people I deal with for work. People become users, in a lot of our cases, and the families want everything for free and don't want to do a damn thing for themselves. So I won't fault anyone for starting a blog to vent about the shit they have to deal with at their work.
Glenn needs to just not read this blog if he doesn't like how you talk about your customers.
Posted by: Amy Lynn | January 12, 2013 at 07:38 PM
Glenn, the examples Bitter Waiter gave of customers behaving badly is not an uncommon occurence when one is in the service industry. It's sad but true. I've seen it happen many times to wait staff who don't deserve it.
Posted by: fed-up | January 09, 2013 at 01:49 PM
Enlightening. Thank you, Glen.
Posted by: bb | January 09, 2013 at 08:26 AM
Or maybe you're just a dick.
Posted by: P.S. from Glenn | January 09, 2013 at 06:07 AM
I think Glenn should stick to his day job of trying to write greeting cards for the Christian bookstore in his compound. I wish this blog was around when I worked in the service industry.
Posted by: Jay | January 08, 2013 at 05:53 PM
Trying to sift through Glenn's bad grammar made my brain hurt. "Maybe that annoying feeling of not completing the English language is actually the sum of not using it 100% rightly; maybe"
Posted by: Rogue Wino | January 08, 2013 at 03:42 PM
Wise words from someone who likely never waited tables in her (or his?) life.
Posted by: fed-up | January 08, 2013 at 02:57 PM
Uhm Glenn have you read the blog? Do you think readers return because we want to be inspired? No. We want to vent about judgment jerks like you!!!
Posted by: Nancy | January 08, 2013 at 11:56 AM