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November 13, 2012



I am continuously invstigating online for ideas that can help me. Thank you!


If Obama has taken away their ability to tip they probably shouldn't have any money to go a handle of Siberian Wolf vodka at the dollar store (yes they sell cheap shitty alcohol at the one in Hollywood) and get drunk in the cardboard box they no doubt have to live in, since "Obama" has ruined their financial standing.

Bitter Waiter

Thanks, Auntie, for putting everything in perspective for us. We have a lot to learn from you.


yeah yeah everyone who loves Osama is automatically a bad tipper, you know what your going to get what's coming by putting him back in office and a bad tip will be lest of your worries!,,,all i'll say is that his warriors won't be tipping, they'll be killing everyone who doesn't believe he does. alright i'm tired and auntie needs a sandwich


What the double eff does OBAMA have to do with TIPPING?! Who was it, Donald Trump??!


smh.. most people were shitty tippers WAY before Obama.. no reason to blame him now just bc you're STILL a shitty tipper and need a scapegoat -- i still try to believe the food service karma goes back around


As soon as I learn how, I am most definitely going to thonk Obama.


Typical lazy American excuses - this make me SO angry!


Even if you don't like Obama - which I do not - this is still not right!!!

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