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September 15, 2011


Asa J.

I'd have dragged that bitch out of the booth by her dreadlock. "And lemonade?" WHAT A CUNT!


I worked at bagel shop in Portland that was pretty much overrun by hippies. And they were the RUDEST customers. I found their message of "hope and love and rays of light" and all that crap to be so hypocritical. Ick. And they stink.

Adam B

Wait, a gigantic plate of baked cheese isn't vegan?


"You smell like a 1974 board game."

Hahahaha! I totally know that smell, it's very hippy-like. Loves it!


Hippies are secretly all scammers and control freaks.

Some, not so secretly.


"looking at the chips as if I had just set a 70 pound Black Mamba on the table."

I'm mother fucking Black Mamba!


Wait, wait! When you're a hippy aren't you supposed to create a happy and good vibe? I'd say she failed.

Sweaty Noel

The best strategy for dealing with hippies is to leave a trail of granola from their table to the exit.

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