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July 28, 2010



Penelope you can go choke on the flaccid cock that impregnated you you self entitled bitch!


I'm in the middle of reading your old posts they make me feel better about my own shitty serving job. I had this same problem yesterday at my restaurant the only difference was the kid wandering around belonged to a SERVER that works at my job but came in on her off day to drink/whore herself to the cooks/show off her spray-glow tan she just had done. I wanted to kick her in her strangely white teeth but it was happy hour so I was too busy waiting on every other hillbilly, fake gangsta and wanna be porn star that crowd in to save a dollar on well drunks and tip pennies. Oh well I get through it praying one of those assholes get a DUI on the way home.

Bitter Waiter

Hey Penelope! Thanks so much for stopping by regardless of your disdain for the service industry. The mentality found in your condescending, poorly formed verbosity is typical of people who've never waited tables.

It's also quite common among moms. What you can't see from this picture is that the mom in question requested that booth because it's in the happy hour section. It wasn't up to the host, it wasn't up to the server, it was up to the drunk mom.

She, probably like you, realizes that maybe she shouldn't have been a mother. She, in all her entitlement -- like you -- thinks that the world should function in a different way all because she got knocked up. No, no need for a babysitter. We'll let the service staff do that and pick up the slack for her lack of responsibility.

You moms didn't cure cancer.

You didn't help in the quality of anyone else's life.

You got fucked.

And now, because you all think you're SOOOOO much more important than everyone else around you, those in the service industry are getting fucked as well.

Just because you had kids doesn't mean the rest of the world needs to be kid friendly. Sorry, get over yourselves.

So I'm glad my post ruffled your feathers. Keep tuning in for more of my self-righteousness directed at people like you -- people who can't step outside of their own circumstances and think everyone should acquiese to their will.



So why did the Host/ess seat a family with small children in the busiest part of the restaurant? I realize having small children myself, that the parents DO need to take more responsibility. But maybe, just maybe its not the customers, but the staff who needs an adjustment. And if you hate your job so much, quit and get over yourself. But you don't hate your job do you? You love it because you get to complain about everyone without taking any responsibility for your own actions or responses and write it all down in lovely BS blog. I'm not saying that customers aren't rude- but I've had some shitty servers too. And just another FYI, a tip is for services rendered. Services include being polite. Can't you try to rise above it? Nope, cause you are happy being bitter. So go on little man, drive that bitter bus! Honk Honk!

Chicken Salad Recipes

Or that the child was in the restaurant to begin with!


God, I hate children. And mothers.


Can't you just say to the drunk bitch: "Ma'am, we need you to keep your demon seed at the table with you and out of the aisle." What's she going to do? Other than ignore you, of course.

Noelle Frazier

ugh!! that is so damn aggravating! Spill her next drink on her while tripping around the kid. "gosh so sorry for the mess I was afraid to hurt your child.
Sweet little guy. :)"

Tiny Teacher

You seriously don't understand how much I love your blog. I've gone back and re-read your tales of being stiffed the money you deserve from the very beginning...for several

Love you, and love what you do!


I was in Cardiff, Wales last night at a restaurant and the wait staff told my friend to get her kids away from the other customers, and just stood there til they were collected. They weren't even being cookoo like this kid, just walking around the table. Bravo for empowered restaurants.

Sara Mann

Oh! I was thinking it was the weird wristbands on the guy in the left booth
nyuk nyuk

Marta Daniels

You've got to be kidding me! I would be laughing if I weren't a server myself. And if something happened to that kid, you know the parents would be trying to sue the restaurant, and you individually. People really need to watch their kids, babysitting is not a universal responsibility.

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