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July 15, 2010



Oh come on, really??! Next time it might be wise to call child services. They don't deserve to be parents.


That poor, poor kid. Thank you for giving me just enough of a glimpse behind me to remember why I'm never ever going back to serving ever again. Unless there is suddenly no need for family therapy, then I'm royally fucked.

Toph Wunder

We took Maya on her first Boy's Town tour. She loved the strapping black men and glow sticks. She also thinks the two of you have some quality playing to catch up on.

The Bartender

at least she didn't point at the menu and ask what a "Pee-knot Griss" is.

"strapping black man and some glow sticks" -- you owe me a new monitor.

M Sigmon

Oh, I hope your shift tonight brings another BW entry.

Lisa Lawrence

'Please be referring to Thurston...'

I shat myself when I read that! God I love your humor!


Scarily enough Chase, I have a quasi-girlfriend who does this and she actually spent thousands upon thousands of dollars procuring said child from Russia. Ahhh... toddlers the new purse pets.


The Pinot - "We didn't have all those other things"

Thinking the baby isn't really theirs (or is that in current usage "they'res" or "there's").

Babies do make the best accessories...

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