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July 22, 2010


Nilsa James

You had me in tears of laughter while reading this! I have not laughed that much in years! You have to try and publish this stuff! At least you have the tranquility and beauty of the Pacific Ocean at the end of every shift :)


I've been reading your stuff and am a fan. Now I've started my own blog, Hostile Hostess, just made my first post. Have a look and subscribe if you like. :)


I think you meant "Puta" (bitch, prostitute), instead of "punta" which means something like tip / edge. Just so you wont be laughed at next time if you ever have to insult some latina. It could be dangerous tho, since they are obviously retarded and insane. xoxo


Oh please, oh please let my taxes pay for at least one of those embarazadas, so they can ensure one more anchor baby.

It's a terrible pleasure to have these ingrates around.


Long-time lurker, first time commenter...
Growing up in a spanish-speaking household, one of the first things my mother drilled into my head was HOW RUDE it was to speak Spanish in front of someone who didn't speak the language. Doing what those chicks were doing would have gotten our teeth knocked out.
You handled yourself well. Better than I would have.

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