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June 28, 2010


Adam Hawthorne

I'm in the process of making my way through your archives and I'm trying to do so quickly by resisting the urge to comment on every entry... ...but I have to ask:

You really got a write-up for an anonymous call? Your work sucks so fucking back.


i've been feverishly reading your blog as i am, of course, a food server and have been for 12 years. i truly appreciate your cantor and envy your approach to dealing with guests who treat you like crap. you are speaking for us all and saying everything we dreamed we could but can't.

lacoste shoes 2010

nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it.


I can't imagine their sex without cheese somewhere therein. Pity.


How DO you control yourself?

T'was funny though!


Ugh...I know EXACTLY who the Gonzalez's are!! They always called ahead, like 5 minutes before they arrived and expected to be seated right away in a booth. They were so cranky and rude...way to go "Billy"!! LOL :)

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