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June 16, 2010



if your manager is Satan and Lips and Anna Nicole are evil gargoyles...
then you my dear are a Saint.
keep your happy place - it sounds amazing :)

The Bartender

You actually just made me yell out a good "Oh, HEEELLLLLLS NO!" at my computer, and I rarely do that. I can't believe your asshole manager made you pay for the drinks. What a cock. I'm sorry :(


God, what cunts.


i love u


hahahahahahahahahahahah !!!!! Oh that was shit,dick, fuck FABULOUS!


Love the tractor!

Um, they ain't no how gonna call the President, 'cuz he be all busy-like with that Oil problem. yaKnow?


Your happy place is a lot more agricultural than I would have imagined. Must be those Oklahoma roots!

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