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September 05, 2008



Ah! To have found this gem lurking amidst the older posts: "...I imagine most of his family and fellow church-goers were salivating with their loaded weapons, Klan masks and fried chicken." AH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Brilliantly sinister! I love it!


I think I was too Catholic to go to Kanakuk. Is that where my classmates learned to pair Cole Haans with tube socks? Always a good look.

By the way, Chase, did I ever tell you how much I love you? Because I love you.

Bitter Waiter

Jessica, I always give Republicans the benefit of the doubt...until I see what they order.

Julie -- YES, Kanakuk! My parents made me go three summers in a row. Thank God I only had to go to the two-week terms. I would have killed people in the dining hall if I'd had to stay for a month.

Jessica Sigmon

That was brilliant. Although, not all republicans are the same. Some of us don't even like chicken.

Julie Hewett

Did you go to Kanakuk? I was forced to endure that as well. Three summers of my life wasted on good old fashioned Christian guilt! :)

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